Title: Transported PDF Simulations of Turbulent Flames with Uncertainty Quantification
Abstract: Combustion modeling is now playing an important role in the design and optimization of advanced combustion devices. For high-fidelity combustion modeling, it is essential, though challenging, to resolve the highly nonlinear turbulence-chemistry interaction and to predict the near-limit combustion phenomena and pollutants. This requires the accurate description of turbulent mixing as well as the use of detailed chemistry.
This talk will focus on presenting recent progress on transported PDF simulations of turbulent premixed flames, specifically the scalar mixing timescale modeling and adaptive chemistry acceleration. In addition, the propagation of kinetic uncertainty through active subspace will be demonstrated for transported PDF simulations of turbulent flames. It will conclude with a discussion on the subtle grid resolution issue in large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed flames.
Source: https://ccrc.kaust.edu.sa/cec/Pages/Event.aspx?i=17