四川省科技青年联合会 常务理事
四川省欧美同学会.留学人员联谊会 理事
成都理工大学欧美同学会.留学人员联谊会 副会长
中国生物化学与分子生物学学会 会员
中国生物工程学会 会员
长期从事基因功能的分子遗传学研究,主要研究方向为根毛发育相关基因的功能研究及植物吸收、转运重金属相关基因的筛选与功能研究及沙化土地的生物治理的技术与机理相关研究。目前承担自然基金(面上项目)1项,在 Developmental Cell、Plant Molecular Biology、Rice、Frontiers in Plant Science及中国水稻科学、应用生态学报等国内外高水平学术期刊发表论文三十余篇, 其中SCI 19篇(第一或者通讯作者8篇),申请专利4 项。申报人还获得四川省千人特聘专家,四川省学术带头人后备人选、四川省资源厅入库专家、四川省专家服务团专家等荣誉称号。申报人目前所取得的一系列成果,对植物根系发育、重金属转运基因功能、植物抗逆基因功能研究做出了一定的贡献,同时也为培育高营养利用效率、低镉的优良作物品种或生态治理的植物、微生物资源提供了一定的理论与实践基础。
1.杰文,石杨, 李斌,汪梦婷,杜志烨, 廖恒毅, 陈稷*, 黄进*(2021). 土壤微生物在沙化土壤修复中的应用现状与前景. 应用与环境生物学报. 已录用. 通讯作者,北大核心
2.杨富玲, 石杨, 李斌, 杜志烨, 汪梦婷, 廖恒毅, 陈稷, 黄进*. (2021). 植物根系分泌物在污染及沙化土壤修复中的应用现状与前景. 应用生态学报, 32(7), 10. 通讯作者,北大核心 (生态领域高质量科技期刊分级 T1)
3.石杨,汪梦婷,靳雨璠,于月,张旭,李家豪,姜南,李斌,陈稷*,黄进*. 水稻OsMBF1c基因的克隆及表达分析. (2021) 广西植物. 通讯作者, 北大核心
4.廖恒毅,王若霖,黄 进*. (2021). ROPs:植物细胞内多种信号通路的分子开关. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报. https://doi.org/10.13865/j.cnki.cjbmb.2021.05.1087. 通讯作者,北大核心
5.李斌,何山,杜志烨,罗治,赵志慧,杜丽峨,张浪,陈稷,黄进*. (2021). 成蛋白(Formin):植物细胞形态与发育的重要调控者. 生物工程学报37(9):3005-3019. 通讯作者,北大核心
6.石杨、李家豪、于月、杨雨薇、李斌、陈思奇、赵珂、陈稷、黄进*. 植物与其他技术联合修复重金属污染土壤的研究进展与发展前景. 环境污染与防治. 已录用. 通讯作者,北大核心
7.李斌, 黄进*, 王丽, 李瑾, 梁越洋, & 陈稷*. (2020). 环境胁迫及相关植物激素在水稻根毛发育过程中的作用. 中国水稻科学(4), 287-299. 通讯作者, 北大核心
8.Chen J,Wang L,Jin XW,Wan J,Zhang L,Je BI,Zhao K,Kong FL,Huang J*,Tian ML*. Oryza sativa ObgC1 Acts as a Key Regulator of DNA Replication and Ribosome Biogenesis in Chloroplast Nucleoids. Rice (2021) 14(1):1-18. 共同通讯作者, IF=4.8
9.Chen J, Wang L, Liang H, Jin XW, Wan J, Liu F, Zhao K, Huang J* and Tian ML*. Overexpression of DoUGP Enhanced Biomass and Stress Tolerance by Promoting Polysaccharide Accumulation in Dendrobium officinale. Frontiers in Plant Science (2020) 11: . 共同通讯作者, IF=4.4
10.Xuan YH, Kumar V, Zhu XF, Je BI, Kim CM, Huang J, Cho JH, Yi G, and Han CD*. IDD10 is Involved in the Interaction between NH4 + and Auxin Signaling in Rice Roots. J. Plant Biol. (2018) 61:72-79. IF=1.4
11.HUANG J#, MOUSLEY CJ#, DACQUAY L, MAITRA N, DRIN, HE C, RIDWAY ND, KENNEDY M, KENNEDY BK, BAETZ K, POLYMENIS M, and BANKATIS VA*. A Lipid Transfer Protein Signaling Axis Exerts Dual Control of Both Cell Cycle and Membrane Trafficking Systems. Developmental Cell. (2018) 44(3) 378-391,第一作者,IF=9.2
12.Chen J, Wang L, Chen J, Huang J, Liu F, Guo R, Yang L, Grabon A, Zhao K, Kong F, Liu C and Tian M. Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation System for the Important Medicinal Plant, Dendrobium officinale. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant. (2018),IF=1.0
13.HUANG J, GHOSH R, TRIPATHI A, L NNFORS M, SOMERHARJU P AND BANKAITIS VA*. Two-Ligand Priming Mechanism for Potentiated Phosphoinositide Synthesis is an Evolutionarily Conserved Feature of Sec14-Like Phosphatidylinositol and Phosphatidylcholine Exchange Proteins. Molecular biology of the cell. (2016) 27(14): 2317-2330. 第一作者,IF=3.7
14.HUANG J*, GHOSH R AND BANKAITIS VA*. Sec14-like Phosphatidylinositol Transfer Proteins and the Biological Landscape of Phosphoinositide Signaling in Plants. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. (2016) 1861(9 Pt B):1352-1364第一及通讯作者,IF=5.5
15.Liu, J., Park S. J., Huang J., Lee E. J., Xuan Y. H., Je B. I., Kumar V., Priatama R. A., Kumar V. R., Kim S. H., Min M. K., Cho J. H., Kim T. H., Changdran A. K. N., Jung K. H., Takatsuto S., Fujjioka S., Han C. Loose Plant Architecture1 (LPA1) determines lamina joint bending by suppressing auxin signalling that interacts with auxin and C-22-hydroxylated and 6-deoxo brassinosteroids in rice. . (2016) 67 (6): 1883-1895. IF=5.8
16.Yang, R.X., Gao, Z. G. * Liu, X., Yan, Y., Cheng, Y., Huang, J., Mcdermott, M.I. Effects of phenolic compounds of muskmelon root exudates on growth and pathogenic gene expression of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Melonis. Allelopathy Journal. (2015) 35 (2): 175-186. IF=0.5
17.Ghosh, R., de Kampos, M.K.F., Huang, J., Hur, S., Orlowski, A., Yang, Y., Tripathy, A., Nile, A.H., Lee, H.-C., Schäfer, H., Dynowski, M., Rog, T., Lete, M.G., Ahyayauch, H., Alonso, A., Vattulainen, I. Igumenova, T.I., Schaaf, G., and Bankaitis, V.A. (2015) Sec14-nodulin proteins pattern phosphoinositide landmarks for developmental control of membrane morphogenesis. Molecular Biology of the Cell. (2015) 26(9):1764-1781. IF=4.0
18.Xuan YH, Huang J, Yi G, Park DS, Park SK, Eun MY, Yun DW, Lee GS, Kim TH, Han CD. Plant regeneration methods for rapid generation of a large scale Ds transposant population in rice. Methods in molecular biology. (2013)1057:101-116.
19.Huang J#, Liu J#, Han CD. Formin homology 1 (OsFH1) regulates submergence-dependent root hair development in rice plants. Plant Signaling & behavior. (2013) 8 (8).第一作者。
20.Huang J, Kim CM, Xuan YH, Park SJ, Piao HL, Je BI, Liu J, Kim TH, Kim BK, Han CD. OsSNDP1, a Sec14-nodulin domain-containing protein, plays a critical role in root hair elongation in rice. Plant Mol Biol. (2013) 82(1-2):39-50. 第一作者,IF=4.1
21.Huang J, Kim CM, Xuan YH, Liu J, K TH, Kim BK, Han CD. Formin homology 1 (OsFH1) regulates root-hair elongation in rice (Oryza sativa). Planta. (2013) 237(5):1227-1239. 第一作者,IF=3.4
22.Xuan YH, Priatama RA, Huang J, Je BI, Liu JM, Park SJ, Piao HL, Son DY, Lee JJ, Park SH, Jung KH, Kim TH, Han CD*. Indeterminate domain 10 regulates ammonium-mediated gene expression in rice roots. New Phytol. (2013) 197(3):791-804. IF=6.4
23.Xuan YH, Piao HL, Je BI, Park SJ, Park SH, Huang J, Zhang JB, Peterson T, Han CD: Transposon Ac/Ds-induced chromosomal rearrangements at the rice OsRLG5 locus. Nucleic Acids Res. (2011) 39(22): e149. IF=8.0
24.Je BI, Piao HL, Park SJ, Park SH, Kim CM, Xuan YH, Park SH, Huang J, Do Choi Y, An G et al: RAV-Like1 maintains brassinosteroid homeostasis via the coordinated activation of BRI1 and biosynthetic genes in rice. Plant Cell. (2010) 22(6):1777-1791. IF=9.4
25.Piao HL, Xuan YH, Park SH, Je BI, Park SJ, Park SH, Kim CM, Huang J, Wang GK, Kim MJ et al: OsCIPK31, a CBL-interacting protein kinase is involved in germination and seedling growth under abiotic stress conditions in rice plants. Mol Cells. (2010) 30(1):19-27. IF=2.0
26.Park SH, Jun NS, Kim CM, Oh TY, Huang J, Xuan YH, Park SJ, Je BI, Piao HL, Park SH et al: Analysis of gene-trap Ds rice populations in Korea. Plant Mol Biol. (2007) 65(4):373-384. IF=3.9
27.黄进, 黄立华, 司乃国, 刘君丽. 黄瓜霜霉病菌对氟吗啉的抗性风险研究初报. 农药. (2005) 05: 228-230. 第一作者。
28. 黄进, 黄立华, 张宗俭, 司乃国. 疫霉属真菌抗药性研究. 中国植物病害化学防治研究. (2004) 4: 111-117, ISBN: 9787511602695. 第一作者。
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