#Achintya K. Dutta
EOMIP-CCSD (2)*: An Efficient Method for the Calculation of Ionization Potentials
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Excited state geometry optimisation using Fock-space multi-reference coupled cluster method
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Intermediate Hamiltonian Fock Space Multireference Coupled Cluster Approach to Core Excitation Spectra
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Partitioned EOMEA-MBPT (2): An Efficient N 5 Scaling Method for Calculation of Electron Affinities
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Ground state of naphthyl cation: Singlet or triplet?
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Structure, Stability, and Properties of the Trans Peroxo Nitrate Radical: The Importance of Nondynamic Correlation
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Perturbative approximations to single and double spin flip equation of motion coupled cluster singles doubles methods
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Performance of the EOMIP-CCSD (2) method for determining the structure and properties of doublet radicals: a benchmark investigation
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Friedel–Crafts Acylation Reactions Using Esters
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Extended coupled cluster for Raman and infrared spectra of small molecules
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
NO x Catalyzed Pathway of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion: A Coupled Cluster Investigation
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Conformational modulation of Ant–Pro oligomers using chirality alteration of proline residues
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay