#Achintya Kumar Dutta*
Lower scaling approximation to EOM-CCSD: a critical assessment of the ionization problem
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Exploring the accuracy of a low scaling similarity transformed equation of motion method for vertical excitation energies
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Accelerating the coupled-cluster singles and doubles method using the chain-of-sphere approximation
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Resolution of the Identity and Cholesky Representation of EOM-MP2 Approximation: Implementation, Accuracy and Efficiency
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
A simple scheme for calculating approximate transition moments within the equation of motion expectation value formalism
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Automatic active space selection for the similarity transformed equations of motion coupled cluster method
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Towards a pair natural orbital coupled cluster method for excited states
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Electron Detachment and Subsequent Structural Changes of Water Clusters
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Speeding up equation of motion coupled cluster theory with the chain of spheres approximation
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Perturbative order analysis of the similarity transformed Hamiltonian in Fock-space coupled cluster theory: difference energy and electric response properties
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Electron attachment to DNA and RNA nucleobases: An EOMCC investigation
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
A new scheme for perturbative triples correction to (0, 1) sector of Fock space multi-reference coupled cluster method: Theory, implementation, and examples
Electronic Structure Theory Group IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay