#Guanhua Guo
Mapping Total Exceedance PM 2.5 Exposure Risk by Coupling Social Media Data and Population Modeling Data
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
Characteristics of land surface temperature clusters: Case study of the central urban area of Guangzhou
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
Using nighttime light data to identify the structure of polycentric cities and evaluate urban centers
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
Africa's protected areas are brightening at night: A long-term light pollution monitor based on nighttime light imagery
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
Explicit the urban waterlogging spatial variation and its driving factors: The stepwise cluster analysis model and hierarchical partitioning analysis approach
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
Location of greenspace matters: a new approach to investigating the effect of the greenspace spatial pattern on urban heat environment
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
A Simple Method for Near-Real-Time Monthly Nighttime Light Image Production
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
A multilevel statistical technique to identify the dominant landscape metrics of greenspace for determining land surface temperature
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
Explicit Spatializing Heat-Exposure Risk and Local Associated Factors by coupling social media data and automatic meteorological station data
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
Evaluation of spatially heterogeneous driving forces of the urban heat environment based on a regression tree model
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
Complex mechanisms linking land surface temperature to greenspace spatial patterns: Evidence from four southeastern Chinese cities
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
Characterizing the impact of urban morphology heterogeneity on land surface temperature in Guangzhou, China
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学
Impacts of urban biophysical composition on land surface temperature in urban heat island clusters
城市生态与人居环境 , 广州大学