#Lijing Han
Strategies for the efficient estimation of soil organic matter in salt-affected soils through Vis-NIR spectroscopy: Optimal band combination algorithm and spectral degradation
丁建丽团队—干旱区遥感科学与技术 , 新疆大学
Precipitation events determine the spatiotemporal distribution of playa surface salinity in arid regions: evidence from satellite data fused via the enhanced spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model
丁建丽团队—干旱区遥感科学与技术 , 新疆大学
Bivariate empirical mode decomposition of the spatial variation in the soil organic matter content: A case study from NW China
丁建丽团队—干旱区遥感科学与技术 , 新疆大学
Monitoring Oasis Cotton Fields Expansion in Arid Zones Using the Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in the Ogan-Kucha River Oasis, Xinjiang, China
丁建丽团队—干旱区遥感科学与技术 , 新疆大学
Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Content in the Ebinur Lake Wetland, Xinjiang, China, Based on Multisource Remote Sensing Data and Ensemble Learning Algorithms
丁建丽团队—干旱区遥感科学与技术 , 新疆大学
Updated soil salinity with fine spatial resolution and high accuracy: The synergy of Sentinel-2 MSI, environmental covariates and hybrid machine learning approaches
丁建丽团队—干旱区遥感科学与技术 , 新疆大学
Using spatiotemporal fusion algorithms to fill in potentially absent satellite images for calculating soil salinity: A feasibility study
丁建丽团队—干旱区遥感科学与技术 , 新疆大学
Revealing the Scale- and Location-Specific Variations and Control Factors of Soil Salinity in Wet and Dry Seasons
丁建丽团队—干旱区遥感科学与技术 , 新疆大学
Predicting land change trends and water consumption in typical arid regions using multi-models and multiple perspectives
丁建丽团队—干旱区遥感科学与技术 , 新疆大学
Exploring the capability of Gaofen-5 hyperspectral data for assessing soil salinity risks
丁建丽团队—干旱区遥感科学与技术 , 新疆大学
Changes in Soil Organic Carbon Stocks between 1980s–2010s in the Northwest Arid Zone of China
丁建丽团队—干旱区遥感科学与技术 , 新疆大学