#Peng Zhao

On the controlling mechanism of the upper turnover states in the NTC regime

五分钟免费创建实验室网站 , 清华大学

On the crossover temperature and lower turnover state in the NTC regime

湍流燃烧模拟与实验课题组 , 清华大学

NTC-affected ignition in nonpremixed counterflow

Reacting flow and engine combustion lab , Oakland University

A 1-D Platform to Simulate the Effects of Dedicated EGR on SI Engine Combustion

Reacting flow and engine combustion lab , Oakland University

NTC-affected ignition and low-temperature flames in nonpremixed DME/air counterflow

Reacting flow and engine combustion lab , Oakland University

Flame dynamics in oscillating flows under autoignitive conditions

Reacting flow and engine combustion lab , Oakland University

On the crossover temperature and lower turnover state in the NTC regime

Reacting flow and engine combustion lab , Oakland University

Laminar flame propagation and nonpremixed stagnation ignition of toluene and xylenes

Reacting flow and engine combustion lab , Oakland University

A predictive Livengood–Wu correlation for two-stage ignition

Reacting flow and engine combustion lab , Oakland University

Initiation and propagation of laminar premixed cool flames

Reacting flow and engine combustion lab , Oakland University

Autoignition-affected stabilization of laminar nonpremixed DME/air coflow flames

Reacting flow and engine combustion lab , Oakland University

Laminar flame speeds, counterflow ignition, and kinetic modeling of the butene isomers

Reacting flow and engine combustion lab , Oakland University

Finite analytic numerical method for solving two-dimensional quasi-Laplace equation

Reacting flow and engine combustion lab , Oakland University

Laminar flame propagation and nonpremixed stagnation ignition of toluene and xylenes

Fuel and Engine Combustion Laboratory , 上海交通大学

On the crossover temperature and lower turnover state in the NTC regime

五分钟免费创建实验室网站 , 清华大学