#Wen Zhang
A synthesis of change in deep soil organic carbon stores with afforestation of agricultural soils
土壤碳循环与地膜覆盖课题组 , 沈阳农业大学
A Map-Reduce-enabled SOLAP cube for large-scale remotely sensed data aggregation
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
Optimized Route Selection Method based on the Turns of Road Intersections: A Case Study on Oversized Cargo Transportation
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
Drought monitoring using an Integrated Drought Condition Index (IDCI) derived from multi-sensor remote sensing data
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
In-Memory Parallel Processing of Massive Remotely Sensed Data Using an Apache Spark on Hadoop YARN Model
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
Auto-extraction method of farmland irrigation and drainage system based on domestic high-resolution satellite images
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
Elastic Spatial Query Processing in OpenStack Cloud Computing Environment for Time-Constraint Data Analysis
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
Upscaling of Surface Soil Moisture Using a Deep Learning Model with VIIRS RDR
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture in Cornfields Using a Modified MODIS-Based Index and Considering Corn Growth Stages
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
An Automatic Accurate High-Resolution Satellite Image Retrieval Method
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
SWCTI: Surface Water Content Temperature Index for Assessment of Surface Soil Moisture Status
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
Downscaling SMAP soil moisture estimation with gradient boosting decision tree regression over the Tibetan Plateau
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
Using the modified two-mode method to identify surface water in Gaofen-1 images
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
Remote Sensing Semantic Segregation for Water Information Extraction: Optimization of Samples via Training Error Performance
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
A remote sensing-based method for drought monitoring using the similarity between drought eigenvectors
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学
An Automatic Extraction Method for Lakes and Reservoirs Using Satellite Images
水利遥感科研团队 , 武汉大学