[1] Wenwen Qi, Mengfei Wei, Wentao Yang, Chong Xu, Chao Ma. 2020. Automatic Mapping of Landslides by the ResU-Net, Remote Sensing, 12(15): 2487.构建了一个能从三波段高分辨率遥感影像中自动提取滑坡的深度学习模型。
[2] Jian Fang, Wentao Yang, Yibo Luan, Juan Du, Aiwen Li, Lin Zhao*. 2019. Evaluation of the TRMM 3B42 and GPM IMERG products for extreme precipitation analysis over China, Atomospheric Research, 223: 24-38. 评价了两个常用的卫星测雨数据产品在量测极端降水上的可用性。
[3] Wentao Yang, Wenwen Qi,Jinxing Zhou*. 2018. Effects of precipitation and topography on vegetation recovery at landslide sites after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Land Degradation & Development, 29(10): 3355-3365.发现汶川地震后滑坡上的植被恢复和降水引发滑坡的再次活动之间存在负反馈的关系。
[4] Wentao Yang*, Wenwen Qi,Jinxing Zhou*. 2018. Decreased post-seismic landslides linked to vegetation recovery after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Ecological Indicators, 89: 438-444. 采用时间序列遥感数据揭示了汶川地震后植被恢复和震后滑坡活动之间的关系。
[5] Wentao Yang, Wenwen Qi. 2017. Spatial-temporal dynamic monitoring of vegetation recovery after the Wenchuan earthquake, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10: 868~876. 提出了一种预测震后植被恢复趋势的方法,对震后滑坡灾害的演化预测有一定的启示意义。
[6] Wentao Yang*, Wenwen Qi, Ming Wang, Jianjun Zhang, Yan Zhang. 2017. Spatial and temporal analyses of post-seismic landslide changes near the epicentre of the Wenchuan earthquake, Geomorphology 276: 8~15. 采用多期高分辨率遥感数据自动提取的滑坡,分析了2008年汶川地震的震中滑坡随时间的变化规律。
[12] 史培军*,杨文涛. 2020. 山区孕灾环境下地震和极端天气气候对地质灾害的影响. 气候变化研究进展, 16(4): 405-414. 【中文核心】
[13] 杨文涛,汪明,史培军*,沈玲玲,刘连友. 2015. 基于地形因子分割、分类的面向对象滑坡快速识别方法.自然灾害学报, 24: 1-6. 【中文核心】