#J. Zhang

Why Are Genes Encoded on the Lagging Strand of the Bacterial Genome?

Chen lab of Molecular and Genomic Evolution , 中山大学

No Gene-Specific Optimization of Mutation Rate in Escherichia coli

Chen lab of Molecular and Genomic Evolution , 中山大学

Traffic incident detection based on extreme machine learning

CIIC (Civil Infrastructure Intelligent Computing) , 深圳大学

An approach to identify travel hotspots at night based on mobile phone data

CIIC (Civil Infrastructure Intelligent Computing) , 深圳大学

Designing a Dynamic Control Platform of Electric Bus Vehicles

CIIC (Civil Infrastructure Intelligent Computing) , 深圳大学

Space-mean-speed Prediction Based on the Fusion of Multi-source Data

CIIC (Civil Infrastructure Intelligent Computing) , 深圳大学