#Yugong Luo

Intelligent Environment-Friendly Vehicles: Concept and Case Studies

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

Estimation of Maximum Tire-Road Friction Based on Dynamic Model Reconstruction

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

Lane Keeping System Based on Electric Power Steering System

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

Vehicle Mass Estimation Based on High-Frequency-Information Extraction

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

Maximum Tire Road Friction Estimation Based on Modified Dugoff Tire Model

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

Green light optimal speed advisory for hybrid electric vehicles

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

Optimal design of power-split hybrid tracked vehicles using two planetary gears

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

Optimal Design of a Novel Hybrid Electric Powertrain for Tracked Vehicles

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

Cooperative Lane-Change Maneuver for Multiple Automated Vehicles on a Highway

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

Adaptive dynamic surface longitudinal tracking control of autonomous vehicles

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

A review of essential technologies for collision avoidance assistance systems

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

A Novel Three-Planetary-Gear Power-Split Hybrid Powertrain for Tracked Vehicles

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学

Dual-Steering Control Strategy of 4WD EV Based on MPC

智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学